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Original Skookum Doll ~ Mother with her Papoose
Period Tramp Art Cache Pots in Paint
Miniature Chest of Drawers Hepplewhite Design
Happy Face Outsider in Plaster
Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy, Platt & Munk Co., NY 1935
Diamond Ring in14kt Gold and Platinum c1880
Carved Bone Pointer In Hand Form~ Tulip Design
Vintage Venetian Rope Necklace 58" of Glass Wedding Cake Beads
Gouache by Hermine Faulhaber (1884-1952)
Antique 15kt Gold Ring w/Natural Coral Cameo c1890
Cruikshank's Etching Hand-Tinted * Great Match Between Randal and Martin * c1820
Basket from Oliveria, NY Dated 1943